Mandinka Language
Hi! I am Sona K., I was born and raised in Spain but my parents are from Gambia. From a very young age, my parents spoke to me in Mandinka and I answered in Spanish. As you can imagine, over time I was feeling very limited with the language and it wasn’t something that appealed to me anymore.
-Why Mandinka Language?
Over the years, I became interested in this language which is somehow part of me. The only difficulty is that I found myself in a world full of resources and aids to learn hundreds of languages except my mother tongue. As a language lover, 5 years ago, I started to collect everything that was hidden in a part of my brain and with the few resources that exist, I took the opportunity to add knowledge. I’m happy to see how others like you are joining the family. My goal is to help you creating resources, materials and courses to destroy this barrier that makes it difficult to learn this language.
-How can I help you?
I currently live in Gambia, which allows me to be in contact with the language on a daily basis and to continue the learning process.
As a language student, I can understand the difficulties you find yourself in (lack of resources, ambiguity of terms, fear of making mistakes, frustration listening to natives, etc.), so I will share with you what helped me in the past and what is still useful for me today. As a language teacher, I will teach and guide you with different tools, strategies so that you can have a basic knowledge of the language and thus make this journey easier.